

How does the Project Baseline platform support recruitment today?

The Project Baseline platform uses digital advertising across multiple channels to reach individuals who may be interested in participating in 研究变红/项目基线. Candidates can learn more about 研究变红 and open studies by visiting www.projectbaseline.com. 所有注册和同意发生在网上.


No. 招聘活动可以亲自进行, online, 通过医生或其他值得信赖的顾问, 或者任何你能想到的方法. 以完成注册, participants must create an online profile and sign an electronic consent form via Project Baseline.

May I get data from the Project Baseline platform to perform my own analysis of recruiting trends?

Individual-level data is not available for actions taken prior to signing informed consent. 可以获得汇总数据(例如.g., how many participants took a certain action in a recruiting process). 一旦参与者完成了在线同意书, 消除识别信息 data about her actions within the Baseline platform are available for analysis.



Baseline平台可以支持各种调查. Applicants should propose surveys that best align with their research hypotheses.

How else may I utilize the Baseline platform, other than using surveys?

该平台具有广泛的内容交付能力. Some previous uses have been informational communications (lay and scientific), 活动邀请, 个人和综合研究结果, 和通讯.

How am I able to test my engagement approaches using the Baseline platform?

The platform can support providing targeted content to users in order to test the effectiveness of the content, 交货沙巴足球体育平台, 交付机制, etc.




Once a participant has completed a consent form to join 研究变红, 消除识别信息, aggregated data about their actions and results of any surveys they complete within the Baseline platform are available for analysis.



We have funded researchers who have just started out and are working on their first project. And we’ve funded researchers who have had more than 20 projects previously funded - across pre-doctoral as well as post-doctoral applicants.

You must meet the requirements of the individual RFA to be considered for Data Science grant funding.


We highly value cross-disciplinary research across many fields where the proposals are focused on advancing knowledge, 临床护理, 或者人们的结果, 并与心脏和大脑健康息息相关. 我们资助了生物信息学方面的研究人员, 临床研究, 数据科学, 流行病学, genetics, 肾脏学, 生物统计学, 机器学习, 深度学习, artificial intelligence and the development of novel methodology.

我是新来的调查员, what key elements do I need to know about before applying for a research grant?


  • Be sure to include timelines and milestones in your proposal.
  • 你引用的文献是一个单独的文件.
  • All grants are received and administered through ProposalCentral.


去提案中心 http://proposalcentral.com/.


这取决于资助的机会. Some of our grants are available internationally as long as your institution meets the Foreign Equivalency Determinants for a 501(c)(3) non-profit. 请联系 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.


绝对! 每个提案都必须是独一无二的,这样它才能独立存在.


是的,每个申请人必须是美国心脏协会的专业会员. Join or renew when preparing an application in ProposalCentral, online,或致电301-223-2307或800-787-8984. 入会手续需时3-5天. 不要等到申请截止日期才续期或加入.




Yes. You will need to provide a rationale for any carry forward of $10,000 or more.

May I have more than one principal investigator for my award?

没有限制. However, the number of principal investigators should be reasonable given the budget and scope of the project.

对于需要数据访问批准信的应用程序, 如果PI使用他或她自己的数据,是否需要这样做?

不,它不是. Please make sure you make ownership of the data clear in your application.


It is possible depending on the RFA and the length of time you have left on the award. The transfer process is a time-intensive process which requires your current institutions to provide financial reports so that the payments are split correctly between institutions.


You will receive an automatic email from ProposalCentral when the status of your application changes.


Each application is reviewed by a peer review committee that includes experts across many fields.

How will I be notified once the Peer Review Committee makes a decision?



Where do I find information on the AHA精准医疗平台?

Everything you need to know about the AHA精准医疗平台 can be found by going to precision.clubdugagnant.com.

Are we permitted to put PHI or PII on the AHA精准医疗平台?

No, we do not permit PHI or PII on the AHA精准医疗平台. 所有数据必须在上传之前去识别.

Does all of the data analysis need to be conducted using the AHA精准医疗平台 or can additional analysis be conducted outside of the platform?

You are welcome to use the AHA精准医疗平台 in conjunction with other tools to conduct your data analysis.


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